Membership Application Form

Membership Details

Before starting to fill up the online membership application, keep ready with you the following details/documents / Information: Valid Email ID, mobile number, and address. Select the preferred category of membership, after filling in all the details please pay the membership amount through the QR code or with bank pay. If the payment is done via QR code please fill in the transaction ID or if payment is done with bank pay please upload the bank receipt (please upload the bank receipt in JPG format).


Before starting to fill up the online membership application, keep ready with you the following details/documents / Information: Valid Email ID, mobile number, and address. Select the preferred category of membership, after filling in all the details please pay the membership amount through the QR code or with bank pay. If the payment is done via QR code please fill in the transaction ID or if payment is done with bank pay please upload the bank receipt (please upload the bank receipt in JPG format).






Regd Off: III.O.19 Lal Bahadur Stadium,
Hyderabad – 500001, TS.


Free passes for Monthly / Annual art festival concerts will be sent to all members

If you paid with QR code please enter The Transaction ID..!

I declare that I shall be bound by the Memorandum of Rules and Regulations of the Association now inforce as also any future additions or alterations thereof.

Become a member